Friday, April 15, 2011

Asked and Recieved

Well, we asked the Lord to answer us quickly as to when we needed to make our first trip- and He did! This July is no longer an option and next summer might still be a possibility, but we know He is leading us to go this October now.

Certain doors have closed and others stand open. We are just called to walk through.

The good in all the uncertainty over the last week is that the Lord has used it to show us several things, and one of is them quite surprising: When we should have been disappointed in a "No" we felt the peace of assurance that we are still to go. It makes absolutely no sense to me that we don't have anything more concrete (ie. a comfort zone), but that is when God reminded me of something He clearly said years ago, "Tiffany, I'm not going to have you do things the 'usual' way." That is so hard for me as a person who doesn't like to stick out and prefers proof and positive track records. Perhaps that's just why. I forces me to rely solely on Him.

Please keep us in this journey in your prayers. It's days like today I know we have a long way to go- but oh, how wondrously we will get to glorify Him through it!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Prayer Needed!!

So, there might be a slight change in plans.....soon!

We were just told that a much better time for us to come over would be this July 9th-16th. There are two main problems with this:
1.) Kevin (Ruel) doesn't have vacation that week, and
2.) We certainly don't have the funds to start purchasing tickets yet.

That being said, it's no problem at all if God wants it to happen that way!

Pray that God will make it clear quickly if we are to try for this July, still go October (even though it seems to be very bad timing), or wait until next summer and pray we'll be able to get a vacation the right week then.

The Spirit has confirmed over and over to us that we are meant to go over there. It's just a matter of timing now. We are being called to have faith and flexibility in this.

Monday, April 4, 2011

A New Command

34 "I give you a new commandment: love one another. Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another. 35 By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."
John 13:34-35

Did you know the Republic of Ireland is considered Roman Catholic? 

In a 2006 census, 3,681,446 of Ireland's 4.2+ million people claim to be Roman Catholic. That's almost 87%. Another 125,585 consider themselves part of The Church of Ireland, which basically means they are Catholic minus the Pope. Around 20,000 are Orthodox and around 50,000 are other Christian. That's a lot of "Christians".

So why in the world are we bothering to go over there??

Well, besides for the fact God told us to.... I'd like to give you another statistic. The area we are living in now, Nashville, TN, is considered 95% Christian from a 2010 Barna Poll


Never would have guess that with all the crime, greed, and Me-ism, I've seen around here. Also, try asking the random person what God has been teaching them recently and what He has asked them to do. You'll get a bunch of blank looks mixed in with several scowls. 

Christians are meant to be known for the love they have for one another and their personal, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ. Evangelical Christians particularly: As we are here in the belt-buckle of the Bible Belt. We are suppose to operate on Grace over works. Roman Catholics lean toward works: Confession to priest, rosary, penance, etc.  I am not saying that all Roman Catholics are doomed to hell. Just like any "religion" - including Evangelicals - there can be false doctrines that pop up and become ingrained into their belief system. They do not, however, define themselves as having a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ. 

That is what we are called to do over there. We are to love them and shine brightly with the light of Truth, sharing how to live life daily with a Savior who has given us grace beyond measure, and loves us enough to have died for us. 

What amazes me so much and helps to confirm what God is doing, is that I love them so much already. Only God can melt my hard heart to love a people I have never even met. 

By this they will know I'm His disciple....