The last few months have been amazing!
Amazingly busy...
Amazingly frustrating....
Amazingly blessed.... humbling..... exciting.... sifting......
You name it - we've probably experienced it!
There has been so much excitement as we learn more and more about serving in the London Centre at Nasmith Court. Our family is working hard to gain partners who will come along side us financially in order to start serving there when the Centre opens next summer. At times it feels like it's going too fast and at other times way too slow.
I admit, I find myself getting anxious when seeing a fixed date for us to need be there, but we know God is in charge and sovereign in our lives. Over and over He has said, "Be still and know that I am God. Be faithful in acting, but stop trying to fight MY battles."
After 4 years of actively pursing God's call in our lives to serve in Europe we can get bogged down, but God showed me something special today: When reading about Christ's sacrifice for us - particularly concerning His anguish at Gethsemane - Oswald Chambers made the statement, "A thing is worth just what it costs."
Serving in Europe is costing us so much more than we realized it would, But oh, it will be worth it!! How humbled and blessed we are to know that what He has called our family to will impact the lives of so many people for Christ! We will be mentoring and helping train up young Christian leaders! We will be in the absolute best spot ever for influencing the world as we reach out to the community in downtown London!
Join us!!
Ruel, Roy (LCM), Tiffany & Bryan |
The London Centre at Nasmith Court! |
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