For the last 2+ years we've talked and planned for the ministry to which God has called us.
Two years.
We've studied, prepared, sold, and grown. But in the background, there was always the comfort of knowing Ruel had a job that provided a paycheck and insurance. We knew money would come in for food by conventional means. It was our security blanket. It made sense and was very reasonable and acceptable.
I heard a little toddler ask his mom for his binky (pacifier) last week. She reminded him that together they had thrown it away last week because he was a big boy now. Well, today is the day we throw our "binky" away: Today is Ruel's last day at the bakery.
We know it is the right time, but that doesn't make it easy. We'll have no income until we reach 50% of our monthly needs. Not pledges for it - It has to be coming in. Our family is trusting in God to literally provide everything for us now. It's so terrifying and thrilling at the same time!
I discovered something interesting today about this. As the kids and did some grocery shopping, all I could think of was "Should I buy this? Will we be able to afford that?", but after just a little while I had a peace about it. God will take care of it. As long as we honor Him with our spending, He will provide. Grocery shopping then became something more: I was so in love with Him over each item we chose! It was as if He were personally handing me each thing. Grocery shopping has never been more beautiful.
Things have been changing so drastically in the last two weeks we are having to revise our budget. It was something I was dreading on Sunday, but now I can't wait. Seriously. Before I was looking at it with a bit of fear. Now I know it will be a time of worship.
Please pray for us this week.
There will be so many things going on and we are still recovering from sickness and surgery. If you would like more frequent updates things about Ireland, please join our Facebook group 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Can't wait to share what God does next!